Monday, August 4, 2008

It's a BOY

We had out Level 2 ultrasound today. Everything looked good. They do want us to come back in three weeks for a follow-up US as the baby was holding his arm in a position that prevented them for getting all of the heart measurement they wanted. She reiterated several times that they did not see anything wrong, just wanted to make sure everything was all right, and they couldn’t do that with the way he was positioned. So, we go back on August 25th. I was a little disappointed as I wanted to get a 100% "everything is great." She said she would give me a 95% "everything is great" which will have to do for now. I know there is nothing to worry about, but I don't think I'll be full at ease until we get the 100%...Of course I won't REALLY be fully at ease until he is born safely. And then comes the REST of the worrying...Who am I kidding, the lifetime of worry has just begun!!

We didn't care one way or the other about the gender of the baby, so we are excited to have another little boy in our house. Zack will have plenty of time to adjust to the idea of a baby brother. We'll probably tell him a brother will be much more likely to join him in light saber fights, albeit a few years down the road... We are going to tell him tonight.


Anonymous said...

YAY! Another little dude. I can't wait. 95% is great. I want to hear what Z has to say. He was sure it was a girl.

Anonymous said...

Sounds great! Boys are such fun! - and Z. will have much more fun with a brother. It will be interesting what he says about having a brother. I am very excited! 95% is great - particularly because the rest could not be determined because of where his arm was. I'm sure all is fine.
Grandma C.

Anonymous said...

WOOHOO!!! Zack is going to have so much fun with a little brother! You are going to be living in the land of Star Wars for years to come-with all 3 of your boys! 95% is awesome....Anna did the same thing on her regular ultrasound and they kept me there for 3 hours until she felt like it is all in the positioning! He is going to be perfect!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!

Anonymous said...

hip hip hooray! i love nephews!

Tracy said...

A BOY!! A BOY!! I'll get the clothes ready to send back your way!! 2 boys are GREAT!!!