Tuesday, August 5, 2008

20 weeks 2 days

Zack found out about the baby last night. At first I think he was a little confused. His first response was "but our baby died." Then Erik explained that this was a new baby that would be coming to live at our house. I told him it would be a baby brother. He said "I need to go draw something" and went to his toy room for about 5 minutes. He came back with two little pieces of paper. He told us they were light sabers, one for him and one for the baby. The baby can have the green one and he will have the red one, Darth Vader's color. Once we told him the baby was actually in my tummy, then he really got excited. He was kissing my tummy and talking to the baby. Even this morning he was standing next to me and said "besos" (Spanish for kisses, learned from cousin Ezra) and kissed my tummy a few times. We then got to Day care and he walked through the hall loudly proclaiming "I'm having a baby!" When we got his class, he told his teacher Ms. Melissa "My mom's tummy is reallllly big." She didn't know quite what to say to that! I told him to tell her why my tummy was so big. He said "Because I'm going to be a big brother!" They were so sweet, telling him congratulations and that he will be the best brother ever. I just love the teachers at his school.

Of course this morning, about 12 hours after we told him, he was complaining that it was taking way too long to get the baby here and wanted to know why he couldn’t see the baby now. It’s hard to be patient when you are 4! It’s going to a long 4 months for him. I told him it would be after Thanksgiving and he didn’t think that was a good idea at all. Of course he wanted to know who would be eating the baby’s share of turkey for Thanksgiving…

We met with our regular OB this morning. She was pleased with the outcome of the ultrasound and was not at all concerned about the follow-up. She said that it was very unlikely there would be anything wrong as there would be some other indication. She also said that they are just so small at this point (average about 10 ½ oz. and 6 ½ inches) that it can be hard to see everything. A few weeks growth will make a difference. Plus there is really not much you can do to get them to move. In order to get the profile shots (which I will post later) the tech had me roll over so that I was almost on my stomach, because he was not cooperating. At that time he was holding both of his feet in his hands, folded like a clam. She is having me step down again with the prednisone from 15 mg to 10mg. I’m hoping I don’t lose my sense of smell, but I’m prepared. I was nice being able to smell after 2 years of not being able to. Darn sinus polyps.

Next Appointments:
August 25th – Follow up Level 2 Ultrasound
September 4th – 24 week checkup
October 2nd – 28 week checkup


Anonymous said...

Could Zack be any more adorable? He is so perfect...his response was so precious, it brought me to tears! They are going to be very close, those two! :-)

Jen G.

Emily said...

Zack is great!

Anonymous said...

Yay, Z. I'm sure the light saber will be greatly appreciated.


Tracy said...

LOVED! LOVED! LOVED! Zack's message last night!!! What a HONEY!!!!