Friday, July 11, 2008

16 weeks 5 days

We had the 16 week check up yesterday. Everything was fine. Baby's heart rate was 156 beats per minute and she found it right away. She did decide to put me on a low dose of blood pressure medication as my BP is still borderline. She said that it will only increase as we get further along so it's best to start controlling it now. She is also starting to wean me off of the prednisone. I'm have been on 20 mg per day up until now, but I'm going down to 15 mg until I see her again on August 5th. She also said it's likely that we will not make it to the due date (December 21st) as with the leukocyte compatibility issues along with my high blood pressure will be cause for an early induction. I can't say I'm surprised. If we go at 39 weeks this baby could be born on Zack's birthday!

We also asked her to give us a Little more detail on the Nuchal Transparency test that we had at 12 weeks. This is the test that gives us the odds of chromosomal defects specific to our baby. Someone my age generally has a 1/200 chance of a Downs Syndrome baby and a 1/160 chance of Trisomy 13/18 (these are fatal to 95% of babies who carry them) What we found out is that the risk for this baby for Downs is 1/680 and Trisomy 13/18 is 1/6000. We feel pretty good about those odds! They took a blood draw to screen for AFP (Alfa Feto Protein) which give an indication of neural tube defects (spina bifida, ancephaly) We should get the results of that next week.

Next Appointments
August 4th --Level 2 Ultrasound
August 5th -- 20 week check up
September 4th -- 24 week check up


Anonymous said...

Whew! Glad little dude is doing well.


Anonymous said...

Yea Baby Schefers! We will be very happy to meet you!
Love, Peeka & Bugga