Thursday, October 30, 2008

32 weeks 4 days

We had the first of our ongoing biophysical profiles today. The baby is doing well. He is on track with his growth at 4 lbs 6 oz, already bigger than Zack was at birth! He passed all of the ultrasound measurements with the exception of practice breathing. I already know he is doing that because he gets hiccups occasionally and they tend to occur from the breathing. The tech was measuring his head and all of the sudden we saw a little foot pop on the screen. It was pretty cute. She counted and he had all 5 toes. Seems like an uncomfortable way to hang out, but I remember Zack chewing on his feet so they are pretty flexible little monkeys. Also she confirmed that he is still a boy!

He was being a bit stubborn for the non stress test. What they are looking for in the non stress test is to see his heart rate go up when he moves. Every time he moved he would move away from the monitor so we kept losing his heart rate, but he had enough variance in his heart rate that he passed. We also talked about how far she is going to let me go. She was pretty clear that she is not comfortable with me going past 39 weeks. Given my history with both Zack and the last pregnancy, I'm very comfortable with this. Of course I'd prefer not to be induced because of the worst pain in my life experienced when I was induced with Zack, but that's why God invented epidurals and narcotics. Yea for drugs!! If he doesn't decide to come before, he'll arrive sometime around the 15th of December. Zack's birthday is the 16th!!

Going forward I'll be seen every week on Thursday. Only 6 weeks left!!!


Anonymous said...

Great news!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful!!! Those six weeks (or less) will pass quickly.
gramdma C.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait! He's going to be so great.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, Molly and Erik. Can hardly wait too/either. Paula