We went in today for our weekly appointment. He passed the biophysical profile, but his numbers on the non stress test were a little off. The Dr. had me come back this afternoon to re-run the NST and he passed in 20 minutes... So all is well. I will be going back next Monday for another biophysical profile and non stress test. We will then go in on Thursday to repeat as well as get measurements to estimate size. THEN I will be admitted on Sunday December 14th in the evening to get my cytotec to help prepare for the induction which will begin on Monday morning the 15th. Hopefully he will be born sometime on the 15th. She did warn us that since he is head is still pretty high, there is a greater risk that an induction will end up in a c-section. However with my blood pressure and immunological issues, the risk of waiting is higher. Plus I'm now at the point I was with Zack when my placenta stopped working, so I would never risk it.